WEBMASTER 2007 ... 2024 ...
After Revs. John and Martine Kohlenberger moved to Arizona in 2006, the original 2007 Website was started because several of our California congregation members came to Arizona and pleaded then planned what this new incarnation of this church should be lilke. The creation of this church has continued over time, becoming less and less traditional because we value the still small voices of the divine sparks in our ever-loving hearts to guide us spiritually.
All too often in our world people have had and taught what might be termed misunderstandings or misconceptions of the Holy Spirit, or God Force, of what it is and where it is moving. This Living Spirit is a difinitive livingness in all things seen, unseen, past, present, and future. It is ever Creative, Light, Life, Inspiration, Truth, and Loving. Let us give Thanks!
Let us begin the story of the formation of our webmaster and this church in 1890. Pictured is (webmaster) John's grandfather's "German Methodist Episcopalian" church in Santa Cruz, California. The photio below shows the important people in the church and te man on the right is Rev. John William Kohlenberger. Around tre year 2000, cousin Bob Kohlenbergere found the building still in use as a Yoga Studio.
My grandfather later moved to Anaheim California to open a church there, in a triangle of land near La Palma Park.
Not my Grandfather's Church
My own father was a both a doctor, physician (GP/PCP) and surgeon and a scientist. As the son of a minister, he would often point out the spiritual nature of Nature itself. I have to thank him for that. I grew up in the Prtesbyterian church, serving as candle lighter and later "the youngest member of the choir" and church at age 11, as a baratone. I was married at age 21.
Around age 30 I was inspired by life, from things I was reading, feeling, and thinking, to "investigate the mystyical/parapsychological side of life, to see if there was any "reality" to ghosts, psychic information, and/or mediums. Almost immediately, I discovered the Ancient Order of the Rosecrucians (AMORC) and tyhen Edgar Cayce, the "sleeping medium" and the Association for Research and enlightenment (ARE). As it turned out, ARE enabled me to make the transition from seeing only the religiuous man that Jesus was, to discover the mystic that he was.
At age 33, while meditating, I heard the words and saw the letters spelling out:
GOD IS Alive and hiding in Eachoneofus!
Where is that? What does it mean? It took me months to decipher this message.
The souls within us contain the light and likeness of our Creator/God, of The Source of All-That-IS, ISN'T, WAS, or EVER SHALL BE!
Several decades later, after meeting the lady that would become my French wife, we devided to go "church shopping." We seemed to gravitate towards Spiritualist churches, eventually settling in th Mystical United Spiritualist Church in Anaheim, CA, headed by Ethel and Jack Rowe. Eventually Ethel invited me (john) to become a regular speaker, minister, and official of that church. Upon her death, politics seemed to comen into play and I and s=four others decided to form our own spiritually based church, The Mystical Spiritualist Church, Inc. in 2001. Below is a newspaper article from 2003 telling of the Webmaster anf some founders of this church.
In 2005 John & Martine's Massage and Spa, Therepeutic Dimensions and Above and Beyond were closing, getting ready to move to the mounbtains of Arizona, in the Prescott area. The move occurred in 2006. In 2007 four members of the California church came to Arizona, pleading to John & Martine, "You must open the church in Arizona and start a website."
Thus, this church continues in Arizona, where our focus is on helping church goers to not only light candles, but to light their own candle with the awareness of the Divine Life Force that is in All things, everywhere and every when, and that:
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