Formed in Southern California by 5 Spiritualists, this church has existed since 2001. After two of our founders moved from California to Arizona in 2006, and our website came online in 2007, as our attendance base was shifting from California to Arizona.
Our attendance peaked at over 30, in California and again in Arizone, but has dwindled since COVID.
Our BC Board of Directors ... (Before COVID)
We’re forward looking, exploring what life is all about, how it works, and what's around the corner, while having fun doing it, engaging with life with joy, learning how to dance with life, knowing that everything, my dear friends, is connected energetically, always and forever more, so “we are one in God”. We explore Religions, Physics, Philosophies, Metaphysics, Inspiration, Life, Light and Love, God bless you indeed.
During recent times we’ve all been aware of the fear, disagreements, and strife in our nation and world.Theis is a time of upheaval brought about, by us, to bring about needed changes for the betterment of all humanity, inspired by the ever-loving Spirit or Soul of Humanity. These are conditions for change in the direction of our civilization! This means that things will get better. The unknowingness and uncertainty of darkness is where the seeds of light, life, love, and awareness are birthed, from the unseen potential energies hidden in the Unknown Love of God. Shining our light in the darkness always reveals new joys in the value and abundance of love in life.It is time to emerge from our past of fear within our darkness and realize our desire for the light of love, respect and compassion, given and receivced. It is time to leave the Piscean Age and come into the Aquarian 5th Dimension of Loving our selves, our neighbors, all of humankind (even the unlovable), and our beautiful, bountiful planet Earth.All form is created of the energy of love with the awareness of divine spirit. Much of how this works is now being revealed through our newly discovered potentia of All-That-Is in the Quntum fields of possibility.Life is a process of Continuous Creation and Discovery of more Love. Shall we do this together, as One in God?
Our MOTTO:The Mystical Spiritualist Church is channeling New Understandings of Universal Truths and Spirituality, for the Earth in the 21st Century. We invite you to discover your divinity within, so you may enjoy the wonders of life, light, love, inspiration, and truth to enjoy your dance of life throughout this dynamic, living, loving universe, made with and of the Love of Creation - and Becoming in the everlasting Here and Now, forever!
"made in the image and likeness of the gods"
You, my friends, are capable of feeling energy. Energy does not die, energy continues on forevermore and you in your ever-loving soul are energy. You in your essence are the energy of love. Love does not disappear or dissipate. It only grows. Look inside yourself and discover that you don’t have to work yourself to pieces, but instead you can work yourself to peace and for peace and live in peace.
You are capable of guiding your own spiritual path from the inside out and don't need to be told what to do. You naturally have the ability, capacity, tools and skills to guide and direct your life meaningfully, ethically and effectively. Through the use of your fundamental human faculties such as critical thinking, empathy, reason, conscience and intuition, you can capably lead your life. You have the choice to cultivate a spirituality that doesn’t require you to be inadequate, powerless, weak, and lacking, but one that empowers you toward strength, vitality, wholeness, and the fulfillment of your highest potentialities and possibilities.
You are each on your own divine path to discover the God Within YOU that is All-That-IS.
... described posthumously by Rev. Martind Kohlenberger as, “That light that permeates all things.”
In all ofCreation THERE IS NO SEPARATION because there is no separation in its Sourceness so the Sourceness within each human, each creature, everything you would term non-living within the earth, and earth herself is The Greater Reality, which is One.
In Christian terms this means. "I am in the father and He is in me." because, "We are One in God."
In Scientific terms this means that anything and everything is quantumly entangled! Yes, even the pathways within your amazing brain.
"Ye are gods, sons anddaughters of the Most High." - Psalm 82:6
"As human beings you create yourselves in your multitudinous lifetimes as threads or bodies of energy and consciousness, existing in the Unified Field of Consciousness spun out from the greater part of you. These clumps of energy are what you might call soul energy. We call it the light being-ness of you. If you had eyes to see you might call them angels!"FROM - P'taah's Guide for the Journey Home is available from the Light Source P'taah website at https://ptaah.com.au/ptaah-shop/