Is Jesus going to come again ?
Well, certainly not any time soon and not in physicality. However, that which is the essence of the prophets, yes. Let us say that Jeshua ben Joseph was a prophet. Indeed, that which be prophet comes in a regular way throughout your society and history. But, from every one, that message is all about love. It is really, always the same message. So, there must be some truth in it, eh?- P'taah Lifesource
We are ALL Children of God, the Divine, and the Universe
“You are children of the universe.” This is an often-heard sentence — and yet the main point of the Christ story (See Note 2)was not Christ’s death but his birth, and the often-stated proposition that each person was indeed “a child of the father.” There are many later-appended references in the Bible, such as the fig tree story, in which nature is played down. Christ’s “father” was, however, the God who was indeed aware of every sparrow that fell, who knew of every creature’s existence, whatever its species or kind. The story of the shepherds and flocks comes much closer to Christ’s intent, where each creature looked out for the others. The officials of the Roman Catholic Church altered many records — cleansing them, in their terms, of anything that might suggest pagan practices, or nature worship as they thought of it. In terms of your civilization, nature and spirit became divided so that you encounter the events of your lives largely in that context. To some degree or another, then, you must feel divorced from your bodies and from the events of nature. The great sweeps of emotional identification with nature itself do not sustain you, therefore. You study those processes as if you somehow stood apart from them.Roberts, Jane. The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events (A Seth Book) (pp. 150-151). Amber-Allen Publishing. Kindle Edition.
NOTE 2. I underlined the word story (like this) in Seth’s material just to remind the reader that the Christ figure symbolizes our idea of God and his relationships. According to Seth, the man we call Jesus Christ was actually composed of three individuals who were the physical manifestations of the same nonphysical entity: John the Baptist, St. Paul, and a man historically known as Christ. None of these were crucified. Their roles became blended and distorted in history. Seth discussed the Christ story in various passages in The Seth Material and Seth Speaks and has at least touched upon it in all of his succeeding books. - Roberts, Jane. The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events (A Seth Book) (pp. 157-158). Amber-Allen Publishing. Kindle Edition.
NOTE 2. I underlined the word story (like this) in Seth’s material just to remind the reader that the Christ figure symbolizes our idea of God and his relationships. According to Seth, the man we call Jesus Christ was actually composed of three individuals who were the physical manifestations of the same nonphysical entity: John the Baptist, St. Paul, and a man historically known as Christ. None of these were crucified. Their roles became blended and distorted in history. Seth discussed the Christ story in various passages in The Seth Material and Seth Speaks and has at least touched upon it in all of his succeeding books. - Roberts, Jane. The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events (A Seth Book) (pp. 157-158). Amber-Allen Publishing. Kindle Edition.
The Greatest Master Psychic, Medium, & Healer Who Ever Lived
Jesus was a man who walked the earth, one of the greatest mystics, mediums, and channelers that walked the earth. A son of God? “Of course”. He says., “... as are you, as are others, as a family, all one with no separation” He also says, “Get me down off the cross and get me into your heart. I am not to be feared, but like anybody else in the world, I am to be loved and you are to be loved as well.” There is no separation, no hierarchy, no one better than or worse than, but rather, life is just as a dance of love, a celebration of life eternal.
Again, Christ was not crucified. The historical Christ, (Note 3) as he is thought of, was a man illuminated by psychic realities, touched with the infinite realization that any one given individual was, by virtue of his or her existence, a contact between All That Is and mankind.Christ saw that in each person divinity and humanity met — and that man survived death by virtue of his existence within the divine. Without exception, all of the horrors connected with Christianity’s name came from “following the letter rather than the spirit of the law,” or by insistence upon literal interpretations — while the spiritual, imaginative concepts beneath were ignored. Again, man directs his existence through the use of his imagination — a feat that does distinguish him from the animals. What connects people and separates them is the power of idea and the force of imagination. Patriotism, family loyalty, political affiliations — the ideas behind these have the greatest practical applications in your world. You project yourselves into time like children through freely imagining your growth. You instantly color physical experience and nature itself with the tints of your unique imaginative processes. Unless you think quite consistently — and deeply — the importance of the imagination quite escapes you, and yet it literally forms the world that you experience and the mass world in which you live.
- Roberts, Jane. The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events (A Seth Book) (pp. 212-213). Amber-Allen Publishing. Kindle Edition.
NOTE 3. I underlined the word story (like this) in Seth’s material just to remind the reader that the Christ figure symbolizes our idea of God and his relationships. According to Seth, the man we call Jesus Christ was actually composed of three individuals who were the physical manifestations of the same nonphysical entity: John the Baptist, St. Paul, and a man historically known as Christ. None of these were crucified. Their roles became blended and distorted in history. Seth discussed the Christ story in various passages in The Seth Material and Seth Speaks, and has at least touched upon it in all of his succeeding books.
Roberts, Jane. The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events (A Seth Book) (p. 143). Amber-Allen Publishing. Kindle Edition.
Roberts, Jane. The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events (A Seth Book) (p. 143). Amber-Allen Publishing. Kindle Edition.
Everyone is Where They Need to Be & Jesus Loves You Where You Are Now!
You’re where you need to be at any given time for a reason and every bit of it is remarkable, every bit of it is useful, every bit of it is important, and every bit of it is necessary. You can’t escape life. You have to, if necessary, head into it with your heart and then you’ll begin to feel the love, serenity, the peace and security that The Christ did when he walked carrying his cross, ready to face what was next, ready to face his journey. He did it with love in his heart for every single solitary person that was there, and he looked at every single solitary person there to convict him with love. They saw it, they felt it, they knew it. Was he afraid? Yes. Perhaps a bit, he knew he wasn’t going to be comfortable in being crucified. Again, he paused for a moment and said, “Alright Father, Here I am, Here I come and I want to find peace at this moment.” So he took the focus off of himself and what was about to occur and put it on everyone else around him and only in this (state) could he minister to those on crosses around him. Ministering, can you fathom? While being hung on a cross? Ministering to the audience around him, some of whom were in horror, and some excited and enthusiastic about what they were seeing? Can you imagine the caliber of such a being, ministering to human hearts in that situation, my dear friends, and still love and appreciate the world, love humanity, and still believe 100% without waver, in God? Goodness gracious, what a remarkable man this was, truly in every way.
He loves everyone on this school called Planet Earth, not based on religion, not based on faithfulness to him, putting him on a pedestal, or holding him up in glory and saying that “He is the One who is the only power in the world.” He has always said, “I Am Within You and You are within Me, We are as One in God.” We are Love and that is IT! He wants you to understand that you have that within yourself (You have all the Apps you need to live a life as a human, already downloaded, ready to use). You have the ability to face your life with courage and love, laboring in love to love all beings on Planet Earth, even those that you see as being menaces to the earth and her inhabitants. Because, only in love will your planet ever be healed. Only in love will your planet ever be graced by the glory of God in the most remarkable way; the security, the light, the awareness tat you are all one and that you want to treat each other with sensitivity, compassion and love because you are Family. Well, my dear friends, the politicians that you don’t like; they’re part of your family. They really are. As you’re creating wars on Planet Earth, you’re fighting part of your family. You are all human beings together upon this Planet earth, all birthed from the same Love that is God. You are one family consisting of “Children of God.” With that awareness, you will find Hope in the world.Don’t give up … This is a time of great resurrection.
"And I know that his commandment is eternal life. What I say, therefore, I say as the Father has told me.”- John 12:50
At that day you shall know that I am in the Father and you in me and I in you. - John 14:20
- Remain in me (representing God’s Love for All Humanity), as I also remain in you. - John 15:4