The New Testament is undoubtedly the single most important book in the history of our Western Cultures. Furthermore, it is also one of the most widely disputed and misunderstood books we have.
THE NEWTESTAMENT The books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were written sometime after those people were likely dead and gone. As far as Bible books written as first-hand documents, seven of the thirteen books (or letters) attributed to Paul were likely to be actually written by his hand. As we have no Book of Jesus, Christianity may well be called Paulianity, if it weren’t for the spiritual likelihood that, according to Seth, Paul, Jesus, and John the Baptist may have been different earthly incarnations of the same spiritual (energetic) soul. (More elsewhere on this website) Spiritual realities do not always fit earthly logic.Religious readers need to be aware that it is impossible to describe “out of this world” mystical or spiritual experiences with physical words and/or objects. The descriptions like gates of heaven, chariots, or ladders to or from heaven, kingdoms, or mansions, contained in the Christian New and Old Testaments are allegories for realities that we humans can experience as real, but are not physically real today as the authors may have lead readers to believe when those passages were written. ExampleWhat about the passage, "In my Father’s house are many mansions?” Itjust may refer to the multitudinous dimensions, universes, souls, people, lives, and realities that our infinite, eternal, immortal, and universal Creator God has provided for us to prosper and love one eaother in..“All-That-Is consists of many kingdoms. Each one of you is a kingdom. Your soul is a dimension of God, unique and sovereign as a portion of God, always connected, never separate.” – Dr.Peebles (by dream)
What did the early (Greek?) words in the New Testament mean?
The meanings of the words in the Old and New Testaments have changed as they moved from country to country, language to language and society to society, over the centuries.In the Book of Revelation, the last book of the New Testament, the ultimate victory of good over evil and the end of the writer's age are portrayed. The “Last Days: or “end of time” is taken to be the primary meaning of the term, “Apocalypse”, one that dates from 1175; not today, not in Jesus’ times!Today, the word Apocalypse is commonly used in reference to dire circumstances, or so-called end of days scenario, or to the supposed end of the (THIS) world, in general. But when that word was written in this early Christian book, it referred to a prophetic revelation or disclosure was a literary genre in which a supernatural being revealed cosmic mysteries or the future to a human intermediary.According to this author, “:the parting of The Veil: happens upon death of the body (The end of your days on earth) and is also described, symbolically, as the “Destruction of the Temple”! In those moments, as your consciousness expands, it is revealed, to you, that Love is Real, Love is FREEING, it is creative, thus healing and it is everywhere! WHO YOU ARE IS LOVE! We find God in love, life light, beauty, inspiration and truth.
Here are a few definitions for the reader to consider:Apocalypse - means "uncovering"” translated literally from Greek, an “apocalypse” is a disclosure of knowledge, i.e., a lifting of the veil or revelation. In religious contexts it is usually a disclosure of something hidden, “a vision of heavenly secrets that can make sense of earthly realities".Atonement - At one ment, Being at one with God: All-That-Is, was and ever shall be.Ascension - a rising up of awareness (or raising one’s energetic vibration)Baptism – from the Greek, baptizô, meaning to immerse. This is an ancient (long before Christianity) ceremony, being or symbolizing an act of purification.Born Again – having the Christ-like energy of unconditional love for everybody and everything living in your heart. Also related to "Resurrection" or "Apocalypse".Christ – 1) from the Greek word Christós, which means "The Annointed One.", usually a ruler, a teacher or a leader. The Hebrew word for a messenger is Mašíaḥ, usually translated as "Messiah", translated to Greek as “Christ.”. ("Christ" was not Jesus' last name. It is his title.) 2) Spiritually or metaphysically, a “Christed” person is one who is enlightened by the love for all things, situations, and people, thus they are crystal clear.Free Will - The belief that within the greater scheme of things, each person or being has complete freedom to choose its own direction and circumstances. However each new choice sets a new life path with some new conditions to deal with in the future, so some do not believe in free will.Gnostic - from the Greek word, gnosis, "to know" (some of the secrets of the soul and/or God). Most Gnostics at the time of Jesus were members of a mystical branch of Christianity that did not agree with the developing down to earth. materially oriented, Roman Catholic ideas and interpretations.Gospel - from the Olde English for “good news” … that we are "saved". But we always have been!I in Him, He in Me - We each exist within each other's hearts and minds. (Not unique to Jesus)Incarnation - literally, in the meat, implying that one's soul is within a physical body.Last Judgment - an invention of the Roman Orthodoxy. In fact, as one moves into the Greater Awareness of the Oneness of All Things within a Life that is Everlasting, there is a review and assessment as to what one has done and what you want to do or where to go or what to understand better, next. As you realize that you and God are ONE, this is a self assessment.Messiah, from the Jewish word meshia, meaning "anointed one" and is applied to a leader, teacher, lord, or honored one such as a king. This word, in Greek, is translated as "Christ".New Jerusalem - This is not a physical place, but it is a new state on mind, as one "repents" (See below)Orthodox - Ortho-dox, the true (ortho) teachings from the official documents (dox). Later studies have revealed that no “Orthodox” religion has “the original documents” written at the time of their “Teacher.”Predestination - in theology, the doctrine that all events have been willed by God, usually with reference to the eventual fate of the individual soul. All are predestined to “Love One another.”Repent ... Re-Pent ... to think again or to change the way you think, putting love into your life equation.Resurrection (of the dead) - raised (to life) again, or a standing up again ... at the end of the world (as one Graduates from this world into the expanded Greater Awareness of All-That-Is.) My own deceased wife has told me, "You can't bring me back from the dead, because I'm not dead!" She is is Eternal Life ... as we all are!Salvation - Finding that you survive and are "alive" after "death", without former physical limitations..Second Coming - when the Christ-like energy of unconditional love for everybody and everything comes alive in your heart. Related to "Born Again".-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Also see: “In the eyes of Rome the civilization which they conquered, they could impose their rule and ways on the native peoples, as the Romans considered themselves infinitely superior to any and all others. They felt that their wealth, power, and engineering fetes entirely justified their actions, however cruel and overbearing they may appear to be.” - The Roman Provence Guide