LOVE is ... Letting Our Vitalities Engage
Most animals (human included) like to love and be loved, but some don’t because they are afraid of love. Love breaks the borders, boundaries, barriers that we use for protecting ourselves from what we fear … like other people!
True Freedom is to fdind the love within and share yours with the world.
“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.
This is the first and greatest commandment.
And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” - Matthew 22:36-40 New International Version
How do the cosmic or universal laws affect our journey here on earth?Really, the universal law is just love, my dear friends. It is to love and generate more love. And then, again, when you ask about cosmic laws or universal laws, that conjures rules that you must abide by and such.When we speak of love, the energy of love, that is what courses and runs through everything, and we mean “Everything.” Even those moments which are terrifying, even those moments when people are what you would call evil and such, there is love there. There is love within them and that is what we would, if you will, encourage you to bring love to the surface, more and more. How do you do this?You start with yourself, by not succumbing to fear, not succumbing to the propaganda of your society and such, to not believing in that and propagating more and more of it; by not succumbing to the things that you think are so negative, “I want to make that go away!” Well, you’ve got to do that inside yourself. There’s no magic wand that God can wave or that we can wave. God has given you all the tools and gifts inside of yourself to create a beautiful reality.You know the things that count and if you want to call them laws, go ahead and call them laws: Loving one another as you would want to be loved. That’s perhaps the greatest in the universe and understanding that love courses through everything. Wherever you go, generate love, no matter the situation, no matter the circumstance.But if you want to fan the flames of fear, frustration, anger, judgement, and murderous tendencies, that promote hate, then go ahead and put that into action and try to dump that on top of love to cover it up. It’s not going to work. You can’t cover it up. You’re never evergoing to stop love from shining through, eventually. So, know that that is it; that’s the law if you want to call it that, but it’s not that you have to abide by that (and sit in judgment of others who do not), but you know it might not be a bad idea, like those who stop at a red light. It’s a good idea to follow certain rules, right?
God bless you indeed.Dr. Peebles
Mystical Spiritualist ChurchPublished by Rev. John M. Kohlenberger · 14 Febeuary 2013?
YOU ARE CREATED IN LOVE BY GOD. DESCENDED FROM GOD, AND BIRTHED IN LOVE "made in the image and likeness of the gods"
You are capable of guiding your own spiritual path from the inside out and don't need to be told what to do. You naturally have the ability, capacity, tools and skills to guide and direct your life meaningfully, ethically and effectively. Through the use of your fundamental human faculties such as critical thinking, empathy, reason, conscience and intuition, you can capably lead your life. You have the choice to cultivate a spirituality that doesn’t require you to be inadequate, powerless, weak, and lacking, but one that empowers you toward strength, vitality, wholeness, and the fulfillment of your highest potentialities and possibilities. There is no “right” or “wrong”: way as it were. So, life is about finding the deepest and easiest way that brings you to peace and/or a place of knowledge, that brings you to your heart and a place of love of who you are.
I have heard it said that we all die of a broken heart.
You, as humans, struggle in your day-to-day life, to in a way to overcome or hopefully embrace, that which is the resonance of fear. As you learn to live in the lightness of being you may change that reality. You may die in the joyous knowing that the truth is, there is no death [Only Everlasting Life]! There is only a transformation of energy. [E=MCsquared] As you grow in consciousness, as you grow in your lightness of being, you do not need to die of a broken heart. You can step forth into the light of your own light-beingness at death because that is Who You Truly Are.We cannot describe to you the expansion of consciousness at that moment. Even in these last 200 years it is quite a joyous thing although it is easy to look around at your world and focus on the antithesis of light. We can see that this expansion is growing so you need not die of a broken heart. It is up to you, really. That is the power that you Are [as we are each a descendent of The Most High Creator-God].(P'taah Lightsource)
“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” – John 15:12
Fear First, then Fear Found! What you resist will pursist! So, Embrace it?
How and why would you embrace fear?
Just consider that fear to be a tiny feeling in the belly, that is all it is, a feeling that you have known since you were a little baby when it felt big in that little body. Then, if you can imagine that small one (as you) feeling this fear and hold that little one to your heart, telling this little one, “I Love You.” It is in that expression of love and embracement of the fear that appears in the belly that it simply moves up into the heart chakra.With fear, the more you resist it, the more it is. So, in a way, it is to acknowledge the fear as just a little feeling and then to embrace. Immediately that embracement transforms the frequency.
Below is an excerpt from Rev. John Kohlenberger's OLLI class, Quantum Spiritualitty
God don’t make no junk, so you are enough!You are each on your own divine path to discover the God Within YOU and All-That-IS.... to discover “That light that permeates all things”
Love is God, God is Love, God is a Hug, God is Warmth and God is Light, Life, Love, Good and Goodness. The greatest force and truth is Love! God and Love are "magnetic", Trust, and Trusting; so much more than they talk about in most churches. Embracing Life is akin to embracing God.
All knowledge has come from a thirst for a better understanding about love. Not only the religions of history, but even your scientists of today, now, are looking for answers within and beyond the planet. What they are truly searching for is answers for what can be reduced to the most basic item, beginning, seed, or theory of everything, and that can be summned up in one word “LOVE.”
The essence of love in expanded consciousness can contain all knowledge and this knowledge is within each of you even though you may not be consciously aware of it. A very high percentage of people upon your plane of reality are searching for the whol(i)ness of love.
Remain in me (representing God’s Love for All Humanity), as I also remain in you. - John 15:4
First published in 2017, a second edition came out in 2020. Slight differences edition to edition. ... Click on the presentation above that you prefer