Illustrating, "The Flow of Spirit Enriching All Life!"
This church and website were created to help you remember the spark of divinity that you are
so you can lift your awreness to The Greater Realities of Love surrounding, within, and beyond your day-to-day physical existance.
“For I have not spoken on my own authority, but from the Father who sent me has himself given me a message, what to say and what to speak. And I know that his promise is eternal life.
What I say, therefore, I say as the Father has told me.”
These are Jesus the Christ's words from John 12:49-50
(He was not the first, Only, nor last Messenger)
We’re a forward-looking charismatic spiritualist church exploring the natural flow of spirit and what life is all about, how it works, and what’s around the corner. As students of the divine we want to engage with life with hope and joy so we can dance with life and have fun, knowing my dear friends, that everything is always connected energetically forever.
We know that we are part of Creation, Source, Creator, All-That-Is, and as Jesus said, we are each as “One in God.”We are all about finding Fun as our souls Joyfully exploring our natures in and nature around us, forever.
“In that day you shall know that I am in the Father and you in me and I in you.” - John 14:20
- As students of the Divine, we are seekers of Unconditional Love. We believe that The Living. Loving, Spirit of Creator-God is Alive in All that is, both seen and unseen with more grander understandings to be discovered and that our divine essence knows no such thing as death, as there is only growth for our energetic light-being soul essence.
- We believe that each heart is conceived, birthed, and born out of love, whether they know it or not, to do their best to live, laugh, and learn as we allow ourselves to love and to be loved during our time on this earth.Thus, we believe that each person is in their own divine evolutionary pattern, whether in one religion or fear, here or in some far-off land, regardless of race, sexual preference, highly evolved liberated master or holding a fundamentalist fear. Whatever their place in this world, they are in the right place and time for their pattern of evolution and growth.
- Furthere, we believe:
- • "We are One in God!" We are part and parcel of All-That-Is, God, and the Multiverses, forever connected by Love, never to be torn assunder.
- • "He in me, I in Him" - If this were not so, we (you and/or I) would not be aware, be here, or even exist.
- • We are each a spark of creative energy, in the heart of creator God, manifesting and experiencing our own abilities of creation with the divine love (e-motions) that we are.
- • Loving Allowance, where you believe the way you do and I or we believe in our ownway, each in our time and place, letting each of us to grow in our own way.
- • There is noone above or below any of us as we are each traveling our own divine path to the best of our ability in each moment.
- • There are no afterlife judges so there is no judgement. However each light-being (soul) does take assessment after each life-experience.
- • We stand up for our beliefs but do not infringe upon another’s way of growth, even if they infringe on ours.
- • Remembering that we are all God's children on this earth, we aim to remain in non-judgement, not judging those of other faiths, lands, orientations, or states.
- (Thus includes not judging a woman's right to choose her own life path. We understand "abortion" is found nowhere in the words of Moses, Abraham, or Jesus.)
- All is birthed in love!
- If it wasn’t for what has gone on before (good & bad), you would not have come to be where you are now. Thank your lucky stars.
- Everything is part of the unity of divine creation, no one higher or lower; with no hierarchies.
- We are each where we need to be in this moment.
- Thus, we may each stand as Jesus did when He walked the earth, feet solidly on the earth, head held high, arms outstretched to the world in a gesture of love, forming a human cross.
- If you don’t believe this, then walk away, but if you want to know more then, you are welcome to stay for a while. Either way, you are in the right place at the right time for this HERE and NOW.
BOTOM LINE: This church is not as much about Bibles or other Holy Books as it is about discovering Love, Wisdom, and Trusting what’s in your ever loving heart.
On a Technical note: The knowledge and memory of your DNA, your molecular, and cellular memory, is stored in the Unified Field of Consciousness (God). There is nothing in your physical reality that does not originate in that Unified Field. (Fields of the Lord ... or Quantum)So what links everything in the physical and the non-physical realities is this Spark of Divinity, of Love, that You are!
. THERE IS NO SEPARATION in the infinite, eternal, universal, immortal Unified Field of Divine Consciousness, thus we are each and all intertwined (in quantum terms, "entangled") with All-That-IS, God, Creation, all humamnity, every animal, vegetable, and mineral.
You have reincarnation, simply for the JOY of playing the human game! So make it Joyful!
Living in your earthly Illusions of separation, forgetting that Light and Love are God and God is Light and Love; all is One!
You have forgotten your magnificence and power. You have forgotten that you are truly gods and goddesses come forth from the Unified Field of Consciousness to play in this realm called Earth.
If there is no separation, then there is no space between any of creation. If there is no space then there is no time and Space-Time is an illusion and there is only the Oneness of Source or Love. And out of that Love the Game of Creation arose in all of its magnificence. It brought with it the sense of separation and the illusion of Space and Time. But within the Game are Ah Ha moments to remind us of that which we already know deep within, that there is no separation, only Oneness of Source or God and how precious these Ah Ha moments are.
You are invited to join with us to Play in the Fields of the Lord in our new location at the Prescott (Arizona) Public Library, on the 1st & 3rd Sundays beginning in Summer 2024 ... as we create and participate in the fields, dimensions, and kingdoms of life, light, love, inspiration, intuition, laughter, joy, and even quantum potential so we may expand our awareness as part of the expansion of the universe, God-Goddess and All-That-IS, forevermore.
“We are all part of something bigger than ourselves and stronger than we think!" - IT is Love
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